Friday, January 27, 2006
The Palestinian people this week renewed their commitment to worldwide terrorism by electing Hamas to an overwhelming majority of their "government." Well, you win some, you lose some. It really was too much to hope the leopard would change his spots. Unfortunately, a New York senator who really needs someone to beat her this Fall seems to think Hamas is going to suddenly hang up the grenade and pick up the lawbook. "It's an opportunity," Hillary says. It sure is. Israel better reach for the gun twice as quickly now. Fortunately the West, including the new Conservative government of Canada, is refusing even to acknowledge the election. This is the right way to go. The Palestinians have been given the excuse that it's their land and Israel is an imperialist long enough. If they want to be recognized as a civilized nation, it is time to start behaving like one and it's time civilized people started making this a prerequisite for recognition.