Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm listening right now to some woman's sob-story on CNN about how Enron ruined her "fairly comfortable" life. While she claims that her family no longer lives comfortably, the nice suburban home background to her interview seems to bely that. Don't get me wrong, if these high executives in Enron are really guilty of lying about profits which ended up liquidating their workers' retirement plans and salaries, they should be punished to the full extent of the law. Corporate greed is never excusable and the first priority of any business should be to look out for its employees, but do we have to make saints out of everyone to whom this happens? Lawyers line up for miles to make sure terrorists get a "fair trial" and then Martha Stewart is forced to drag around an electronic tracking device for months after a five month imprisonment. Why is it that murder of innocent civilians entitles one to the best lawyer in the country but make a corrupt business deal and no punishment is too great. How about a little balance here?

I'm still waiting to see how the injury of two ABC journalists over the weekend in Iraq is Bush's fault. No one has quite said that yet but I'm sure they will. My basic attitude is, "If the media insists it needs to be involved in every aspect of a military campaign, they have to be ready to take the consequences." But everyone loves a victim, unless they are actually innocent victims.

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