Monday, November 07, 2005

Anyone who owns a car will not sleep well in Paris tonight. You'd think being both French (the country whose new national motto is "Peace at any price") and Muslim (a practitioner of "the religion of peace") would make these people harmless little lambs but, surprise! They're tearing the city apart and now it's spreading to other cities. I guess there still are some people who can fight in France--its own insurgents. True to form, French police have taken bullets but apparently not returned any. It is unknown at this time whether this was because the government has refused to authorize them to enforce the peace or whether they bought their bullets from the Iraqis. The little darlings set fire to a 57-year-old woman who was using a walker. Mohommed would be so proud. At issue? The death of two 17-year-old boys who electrocuted themselves while hiding from the police. I have a suggestion: if French Muslims don't want the police to chase their kids, then let's have their kids stop breaking the law. It's a novel one and the black community in the inner cities of the US haven't taken it yet either, but it would be well worth trying. One lesson we should all learn from this: you can preach the goodness of "the noble savage" but in the end, a savage is always going to behave like one.

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