Friday, October 28, 2005

We win again. Harriet Miers has withdrawn her nomination the US Supreme Court. The annoying thing to me is that liberals are billing this as a victory for them. In reality, it is probably the best thing that could have happened to the Bush administration. But the Left can't imagine a different way of doing things than theirs. In their world, they champion and promote a candidate until he retires or is defeated and can no longer protect Roe v. Wade and then they dump him on the curb like Thursday's trash. But conservatives do not operate this way. Bush is our man. He makes mistakes, takes us for granted, but he has done us a world of good and he is a leader worth uniting behind. Now that he has removed the offensive choice from the board, we are with him again 100%. Liberals just can't fathom such attachment, or the idea of agreeing on enough that even when we disagree we're on the same side. At the risk of being called a plagiarist, there's a little word they need to learn and it's the first word in politics: loyalty.

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