Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I have to admit, I don't know what he's thinking. I'm hoping, almost against hope, to be wrong but who the heck is Harriet Miers? When people were making lists of possible choices I don't remember seeing her name anywhere. It gives me some concern that she supported Al Gore in 2000, and this is not entirely erased by certain left-wingers slamming her as "an anti-choice extremist", after all, Democrats know this is the sure-fire way to get one of their people supported by the Right: call her an extremist against abortion. I will, of course, stick by the President, being the shameless partisan that I am, but I am worried by his pick.

On a lighter note, I am beginning to see what Coulter means when she says being a liberal must be an exciting experience since history always begins this morning. Last Sunday's edition of the NYT ran the headline: "For many inmates, a life sentence means death behind bars." Oh really? I didn't know that.

On an even lighter note, the New York Giants are rocking and rolling this year. They rebounded from an embarrassing defeat in San Diego to crush the Saint Louis Rams 44-24 in Giants Stadium on Sunday. Eli Manning has completely redeemed himself from last year and even the offensive line and defense are pulling together for a change. They retire now to their bye week with a 3-1 record, tied for second with Philadelphia and poised to move into first should Washington lose next week. Go, Jints!

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