Sunday, September 25, 2005

There was a really good article in US News & World Report this past week. John Leo wrote a column entitled "The Race Canard" in which he argued that the supposed discrimination on the basis of race that took place in New Orleans was a lie fabricated by the media. He quoted an editor from The Oregonian who wrote, "In a time of national crisis, another media-driven race war is the last thing this country needs." I'll agree with that. Leo wrote, "The hard-hit mostly white parishes around New Orleans waited just as long as the poorest wards of the city did for help." He jeered at black leaders who claimed the supposed "neglect" of black people in New Orleans was comparable to the lynchings or slavery in infamy. Leo asks a burning question, one that deserves a straight answer: Why has mainstream "white" America donated well over $750 million to mostly black victims if this country is as racist as it was when it was lynching freed blacks? That is an excellent question, one the Left has never answered. Another writer, Heather McDonald of City Journal, wrote, "The givers are refusing the bigot's reaction of impugning an entire race by the loathsome behavior of a few." This is also a good point. If white America was racist and the stories of poor blacks turning sniper fabricated to justify why the military didn't intervene to save more lives in the black areas then why are donations not being withheld on the basis that all blacks are dirty snipers who deserve what they get? Because, at the end of the day. white America is not racist. Certain white Americans may be, but those who accuse our entire race of being racist on the basis of a handful are doing exactly what they accuse us of doing.

This underlines a further point. Why are the "victims" never wrong? Is it any less racist for Maya Angelou to say white people weren't even human to her than for a Klan member to burn a cross? Is it any less snobby when a blind girl sneers that people who don't eat lunch with her are "too good" for her? But no, in new politically-correct media land, it's all about victimization and there's nothing these victims shouldn't have done for them.

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