Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Today I shall continue with my "Fifty People Who Are Ruining America" list. This is a great week to do it as the news is all taken up with the space shuttle's woes. The next ten are as follows.

40. Theresa Heinz-Kerry. This ugly, bad-tempered, foul-mouthed witch makes the list because she is reinforcing one of feminism's most-proved laws: Girls, you really need a man to prop you up. Having married the Heinz fortune, she then married the Kerry fame. So glad she's not a First Lady.

39. Howard Stern. He used to be considered conservative and he is definitely politically incorrect, but he threw his hat into the ring against Bush last November and if being politically incorrect means constant sex jokes, mocking people with mental retardation and nonstop toilet talk, then maybe the PC-crowd has a point. Psychologists have a term for this: the anal stage. Kids and teenagers go through it: where they belch and pass gass and talk trash on purpose just for the shock value. Howard Stern seems to be stuck there.

38. Michael Savage. Another pseudo-Conservative, Savage is well-named. He rips into anyone who disagrees with him, not just making fun of their views (which is acceptable) but actually displaying hatred towards them as a person. He told a homosexual caller once that he hoped the man would get AIDS and die and called him a pig. Not a good rap for Conservatives everywhere. At least when Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh lose their temper and rant, you don't get the idea they really hate the liberals, just the liberal ideas. This guy is giving us all a bad name.

37. Gray Davis. The ex-governor of California deserves this slot due to his role in making the largest state in the Union the worst place to live. Also, he obviously lives the old maxim that "the end justifies the means" as he lied through his teeth about the pathetic state of California's government, energy and ecosystem to try and get re-elected. Fortunately. it didn't quite work the way he planned.

36. Alice Walker. This well-known author wrote in The Village Voice, following September 11th, that America should respons lovingly to the attacks, writing of Osama bin Laden: "What would happen to his cool armor if he could be reminded of all the good, nonviolent things he has done?" Osama? Are we still talking about the same guy? Tall, skinny, dark beard, wears a towel on his head? I wonder what she was referring to. Senator Patty Murray says that he builds orphanages. Well, with all the orphans he has created, it's really the least he can do.

35. Matt Lauer. This Hardball host is only "hard" towards Republicans. Definitely displays bias in the news media.

34. Jerry Springer. If you have to ask, you'll never understand.

33. Ron Reagan, Jr. Barely waited till his father was cold in his casket before ricoheting off to fraternize with his father's political enemies. Couldn't even mourn decently at the funeral but aimed a salvo at President Bush from his eulogy platform: "Dad never made the mistake so many politicans make, of wearing their faith on their sleeves for cheap, political game." What a jerk. To hear him tell it, Ronald Reagan was a regular John McCain. Ann Coulter has put it as nicely as possible, terming him "the world's living testimony to the limits of genetics."

32. Peter Singer. What can I say about a man who not only endorses infanticide and euthanasia but the murder of the retarded and use of handicapped humans for medical experiments? He would have been at home in Germany in the 1930s.

31. Gloria Steinem. Another feminist failure. While her conservative counterpart, Phyllis Schlaffly was going to law school, singlehandedly taking down popular constitutional amendments, writing hundreds of pamphlets, influencing the Republican Party's platform and electing Ronald Reagan, Steinem's magazine bombed and she had to find a rich guy to sleep with to bail her out. Her latest books tell how depressed she is over her life. What a winner.

To be continued tomorrow....

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