Monday, August 15, 2005

Rush Limbaugh detailed the story of Cindy Sheehan and how she is spending the night in a ditch in Crawford, Texas, to protest the war in Iraq on the basis that the President's daughters are not in Iraq, facing death. Who the heck cares? I mean, I suppose liberals who want to attract people to various careers with attractive girls might think Jenna Bush ought to model for recruiters but I don't think the army really wants that kind of publicity. I think it better to appeal to some higher motives than sexual attraction. Of course, this is not what Ms. Sheehan is really talking about, but that the President should have to sacrifice his daughters if he really believes in this war. What she's forgetting is that his daughters, like every member of the US armed forces, are adults. They make their own decisions. If they do not feel called to the armed forces, it's no commentary on the justice or the injustice of the war. But every member of the armed forces made a decision: they would enlist to serve their country, taking the risk that they would be sent into harm's way. But apparently liberals, as we have long suspected, have decided that they, the high and mighty, must make all decisions for everyone, and so the President ought to force his daughters to enlist in the military and go to Iraq to participate in this war and hopefully die so he can say he knows what the parents of soldiers feel like. And while they're at it, they will tell all the current members of the armed forces that it doesn't matter what they want to do with their lives, they should all stay home, go to USC and major in environmental studies. Give me a break.

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