Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Iran is in the news a lot these days. The latest disturbance is that President Bush announced over the weekend that "all options" are open for ensuring Iran's compliance with the international ban on nuclear proliferation, including force. This is apparently a "departure" from Bush's original position which was that diplomacy and then sanctions should be used. But if the international community shows itself unwilling to use either then it would seem force is the next option. Of course liberals have been salivating for months about a Bush decision to use force on Iran and some people of a somewhat conservative mindset fear us being "bombed into oblivion"--by whom I don't know, I guess the North Koreans since, thanks to Neville Clinton, they now have nuclear weapons. I personally do not see a large-scale war on the order of Iraq or even Afghanistan occurring in Iran. What the US should do is arm the pro-western uprisings and let them deal with their own tyrants. (This is, I will admit, my plan B, after plan A, invade Iran and Syria while we were overrunning Iraq, was not followed.) Of course some will complain about past dealings with Arabs, how we armed the ones we thought were the best but we never have actually armed revolutionaries like these young Iranians. With Iran-Iraq we armed who seemed to be the least threat, but he was no pro-western liberator. These people actually like the United States, admire our way of life and want to imitate it...and for more than just our money. But to the peacenik crowd: fear not. I doubt anything will happen unless we do it so your beloved French will continue to share their cheese and whine without hindrance.

And also in the news, in one of the most spectacular turnarounds, and I say almost a Karma state, Saddam Hussein's daughter is calling trial proceedings against him "illegal and illegitimate" due to the fact that he is not allowed to meet lawyers for his defense, of which there really isn't any, without US or Iraqi military personnel in the room. Gee, who does this sound like? I say, what goes around comes around.

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