Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Blue State Conservatives blog announced today that due to the machinations of freshman senator John Thune, South Dakota's Ellsworth Airforce base will remain open. BSC rightly applauds this move by the administration and also point out that this will aid the GOP in the region. Democrats were counting on the fact that Thune had won on the promise to keep the base open and if he failed, the Democrats could have opined that they would have kept the base open, and point out that, all during those years when nobody was planning on closing military bases, they kept it open. And voters in the Dakotas and Nebraska and Iowa where Democrats still have some power, albeit a waning one, would take note. But the ball is beginning to swing the other way. Republicans have taken power and at least in one section of the country are acting like a majority party. Voters will remember this in '06 and '08.

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