Sunday, August 14, 2005

According to NewsMax, Dick Morris has revealed that a private conversation with Terry McAuliffe last year has led him to believe that if Jeanine Pirro can raise enough cash in the next couple months to make it look like a tight race, say with Hillary winning by only seven or eight points, Hillary will withdraw from the race to avoid spending money earmarked for her presidential bid in 2008. My first question is, since when did Dick Morris become an optimist? He's the one who's been telling us for the last year that Kerry was poised to be elected president and unless Condi agreed to run in 2008, Hillary would win a sweep. Now, suddenly, he thinks, we can force her out of the Senate by heavy fundraising by a no-name from upstate. Get real, Dick. Hillary will run this race and, unless I am badly mistaken, she will win it going away. This is the time for pessimism if there ever is a time. Republicans are hinging their hopes on an unknown lawyer. I am seriously having doubts about this man. As late as last year he was apparently a confidante of Terry McAuliffe. He tries to depress Republicans when they are at their strongest in years. And now he tries to give us false hope. He is starting to remind me of Professor Snape.

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