Friday, August 05, 2005

20. Madeleine Albright. First female secretary of state still claims some kind of expertise in foreign affairs and lectures President Bush. Stellar achievements include allowing North Korea to build nuclear weapons right under the nose of the United States.

19. Barbra Streisand. Another of the wacko, Hollywood types: supports abortion on demand and opposes the death penalty, but will go all out to protect the "environment", which apparently means wilderness wastelands in Alaska where she would never go and probably hasn't even seen a picture of.

18. NYT Editorial Board. Different editors trade off being the worst: there's Maureen Dowd, there's Paul Krugman, there's Nicholas Kristoff. Not a single conservative, or even moderate, among the bunch. The one who comes closest, William Safire, is an old Nixon Republican who voted for Clinton twice. The editorials in the NYT are merely platforms for liberal propaganda. Read them sometime and see if you detect any hint of balance.

17. Gene Robinson. Gay Episcopal priest about to cause a split between the American Church, which appears to be failing, and the vibrant, living church of Africa and Central America. All because homosexuals won't rest till they can fling their lifestyle in the faces of the godly.

16. Louis Farrakhan. If he were white, he'd be in the Klan. One of the most virulent, black racists living.

15. Jesse Jackson. This man makes his living stirring people up, causing disunity and making people feel like victims. Not a real great thing for fostering brotherhood.

14. Al Franken. Writes books entitled "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" about the Conservative Right and then doesn't even bother to research his claims. Most of his purported "lies" were later explained away as mistakes or...the truth. Still adds a good amount of invective to the national dialogue.

13. Gary Trudeau. Author of the popular "Doonesbury" comic, he excells at something liberals do best: taking people much more intelligent than him and making them look stupid. He couldn't survive in the room with Ann Coulter, much less Dick Cheney, yet he enjoys putting words in their mouth so he can win the argument. The last hurrah of the old "hippy" generation.

12. Kitty Kelley. Although Europeans (and the NYT) treat her like some kind of investigative journalist, the fact is her books are simply smear propaganda from one end to the other. I mean, who else would claim Nancy Reagan was having an affair in the 1980s...with Frank Sinatra? Or that Laura Bush is a drug dealer, something not even the liberal media would touch?

11. Michael Jackson. I think you know why.

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