Saturday, August 06, 2005
10. John Edwards. As a pretty-boy ambulance chaser, Edwards is part of a select group of lawyers who are driving health care insurance costs skyhigh in this country. The irony of John "Make-Sure-Everyone-Can-Afford-Health-Insurance" Kerry putting him on his ticket is just stunning.
9. John Kerry. Massachusetts Senator and would-be President thinks his few months in Vietnam have earned him diplomatic immunity for the rest of his life. But George Bush gets no such treatment. It was the Kerry campaign that leaked the forged documents to Dan Rather.
8. Howard Dean. Earned the chairmanship of the DNC by promising to make the Democrats a mainstream party again and then immediately denigrated the Republicans as the party of "white, Christian" racists. Not exactly the way to take the Dems from ideological blowhards to a party of real ideas again. So glad he's not president.
7. Ted Kennedy. If anyone else had committed adultery and murder on the same night and then used his family's extensive influence to cover it up, he'd have been banned from reponsible positions forever. Not in Massachusetts. This relic from Camelot actually still thinks he has the moral authority to lecture Presidents on how to treat terrorists and whether US prisons are comparable to Saddam Hussein's torture chambers.
6. Arlen Specter. This Pennsylvania "Republican" was re-elected last year only because President Bush endorsed him over a much more conservative challenger. The dust had hardly settled when Specter, as chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, announced he would not repay Bush in kind but still oppose any kind of conservative judicial nominee. For rank ingratitude, he deserves this listing.
5. John McCain. Another RINO (Republican In Name Only) who continually tries to scuttle the plans of real Republicans. His most recent betrayal of his party consisted of striking a deal with Senate Democrats which allowed them to filibuster Bush's nominees at will and only assured the passage of a handful. He's a leading proponent of governing like a minority party at all times.
4. George Soros. Hungarian billionaire used this country and its opportunities to get fabulously wealthy and now wishes to deny the same opportunities to others by throwing his billions into the fight against George W. Bush. Although ultimately defeated by real Americans at the polls, he won't go away, you can be sure of that. Note to Soros: Now that you've seen the New World, go home!!!
3. Michael Moore. The king of "schlockumentary" thinks so highly of himself, he didn't even want to be king. He wanted to be kingmaker. His movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" exploited terrorist attacks and their victims in order to take down George Bush and elect John Kerry. Other instances of Moore's wonderful compassion include: ranting in front of a Hollywood audience instead of gratefully accepting his Oscar; making millions off the suffering of parents in Columbine with "Bowling for Columbine"; constantly editing people's interviews to fit his own personal agenda; and his main problem with the 9/11 attackers being that their victims "DID NOT VOTE FOR (Bush)!"
2. The Clintons. They are a package deal after all. Bill set us up for 9/11 by scuttling intelligence, refusing Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter, cutting defense spending and wasting our weapons on a crackpot dictator in the Balkans. He also introduced oral sex with an intern, probably several, and then lying about it under oath into the national consciousness, and I guess it's not so bad. When all his practices finally caught up with him, and he was about to be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors" he suddenly got all macho and attacked Iraq and Sudan, destroying an aspirin factory and telling the world Saddam Hussein had WMD capabilities (something he has since denied). His wife, on the other hand, fostered a health care program so socialist even Democrats wouldn't touch it and continues on her PMS-induced rants whenever the mood strikes her. The two of them and their highly moral friends vandalized and shoplifted from the White House on their way out. It's amazing that even Bush can be a popular president after all this.
9. John Kerry. Massachusetts Senator and would-be President thinks his few months in Vietnam have earned him diplomatic immunity for the rest of his life. But George Bush gets no such treatment. It was the Kerry campaign that leaked the forged documents to Dan Rather.
8. Howard Dean. Earned the chairmanship of the DNC by promising to make the Democrats a mainstream party again and then immediately denigrated the Republicans as the party of "white, Christian" racists. Not exactly the way to take the Dems from ideological blowhards to a party of real ideas again. So glad he's not president.
7. Ted Kennedy. If anyone else had committed adultery and murder on the same night and then used his family's extensive influence to cover it up, he'd have been banned from reponsible positions forever. Not in Massachusetts. This relic from Camelot actually still thinks he has the moral authority to lecture Presidents on how to treat terrorists and whether US prisons are comparable to Saddam Hussein's torture chambers.
6. Arlen Specter. This Pennsylvania "Republican" was re-elected last year only because President Bush endorsed him over a much more conservative challenger. The dust had hardly settled when Specter, as chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, announced he would not repay Bush in kind but still oppose any kind of conservative judicial nominee. For rank ingratitude, he deserves this listing.
5. John McCain. Another RINO (Republican In Name Only) who continually tries to scuttle the plans of real Republicans. His most recent betrayal of his party consisted of striking a deal with Senate Democrats which allowed them to filibuster Bush's nominees at will and only assured the passage of a handful. He's a leading proponent of governing like a minority party at all times.
4. George Soros. Hungarian billionaire used this country and its opportunities to get fabulously wealthy and now wishes to deny the same opportunities to others by throwing his billions into the fight against George W. Bush. Although ultimately defeated by real Americans at the polls, he won't go away, you can be sure of that. Note to Soros: Now that you've seen the New World, go home!!!
3. Michael Moore. The king of "schlockumentary" thinks so highly of himself, he didn't even want to be king. He wanted to be kingmaker. His movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" exploited terrorist attacks and their victims in order to take down George Bush and elect John Kerry. Other instances of Moore's wonderful compassion include: ranting in front of a Hollywood audience instead of gratefully accepting his Oscar; making millions off the suffering of parents in Columbine with "Bowling for Columbine"; constantly editing people's interviews to fit his own personal agenda; and his main problem with the 9/11 attackers being that their victims "DID NOT VOTE FOR (Bush)!"
2. The Clintons. They are a package deal after all. Bill set us up for 9/11 by scuttling intelligence, refusing Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter, cutting defense spending and wasting our weapons on a crackpot dictator in the Balkans. He also introduced oral sex with an intern, probably several, and then lying about it under oath into the national consciousness, and I guess it's not so bad. When all his practices finally caught up with him, and he was about to be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors" he suddenly got all macho and attacked Iraq and Sudan, destroying an aspirin factory and telling the world Saddam Hussein had WMD capabilities (something he has since denied). His wife, on the other hand, fostered a health care program so socialist even Democrats wouldn't touch it and continues on her PMS-induced rants whenever the mood strikes her. The two of them and their highly moral friends vandalized and shoplifted from the White House on their way out. It's amazing that even Bush can be a popular president after all this.