Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Today is George W. Bush's 59th birthday and by a wierd twist of fate, it is also the day, back in the 1850s, that the Republican Party was created. It must have been foreordained. I wonder if Jimmy Carter or FDR was born on the same day as the Democratic Party. That would be humorous.

Of course, all the world is a-buzz now that Canada and Spain have become the latest countries to allow gay marriage by law. Canada's Liberal Party may have just put the nail in their own coffin with this decision which seems to be extremely unpopular among rank-and-file Canadians. I wonder what happened to the US being a "cultural imperialist". Seems like if we were, more countries would be imitating us, either out of respect or out of fear. The real cultural imperialists, of course, are the same old political imperialists: the countries of western Europe. Liberals in the New World want to transplant Europe's socialist paradise here in Capital City. Now more than ever, we need determined leadership to stand up and govern this country. If Europe wants to go to hell, let it. I see no reason why Canada and the US need to go along to keep them company.

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