Friday, July 22, 2005

Lots of very good news today. The British police are acting like cowboys, gunning down suspicious characters in London. I'm impressed. I didn't think Europeans had it in them. The British public, while frightened, overall appears to be defiant. Most of the "man on the street" interviews with Londoners seem to be saying, "We're not changing our lifestyle. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen." Well done! That's more like the London of World War II fame than the pansies I met while I was over there. Thus far, there appears to be no substantial calls for further reduction in Britain's role in the War on Terror, which is impressive as well.

Meanwhile, the House has reapproved the Patriot Act indefinitely by a vote of 257-171. AOL reports that "nine Republicans" broke rank but that was simply to cover up an earlier statement that 43 Democrats voted with the Republicans on this one. While we can't expect the same amount of rational thinking from the Senate, we can at least hope that Bill Frist will club down some of the mavericks and push it through.

Meanwhile some Muslim with possible separatist ties is dying in a hospital in the country (not the state) of Georgia after admitting to throwing a grenade during a speech by President Bush, killing one policemen and injuring some others. The story declares that he made "an obsecene gesture" at the video camera. Nice, pious fellows, these Muslim extremists.

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