Thursday, July 14, 2005
I've had about enough of this ruminating about Karl Rove. Now, I don't like the man, not since he advised Bush to avoid a topic that might have won him Michigan, Pennsylvania and Oregon last November: gay marriage. But this making frontpage news out of what he supposedly did is getting out of hand. What Bush needs to do now is release an "enemies list" like the fictional one Nixon's enemies said he had and have John McCain's name at the very top. And of course Chuck Schumer is now demanding to know the whole story and says the President "owes" America the truth about Karl Rove. Personally, I think, all he "owes" Senate Democrats is a black eye and they should stop identifying themselves with America. The last four elections have proved they're way out of the mainstream. What I want to know is, where was all this passion in 1998? Why didn't Schumer want to know the whole story about Monica? If Karl Rove leaked the name of a CIA operative in the field to get back at her husband for criticisms of the administration, yes, that was wrong, and yes, he should be censured for it, and for many other things, too. Bush probably shouldn't have people on staff who do things like that; after all, it's better to have the IRS audit, and the press run smear jobs, on people who offend you. What's even more disgusting is that for a couple days, the Karl Rove story actually knocked the London bombings out of the frontpage news. The day after the bombings I eagerly signed online to find out the latest, to see if any progress was being made. Not a thing. But I could find out a lot about Karl Rove. This only confirms what we all hoped wasn't true but I guess it was: given the choice between detailing the atrocities of Islamic terrorists and doing a hatchet job on the President's top political advisor, the mainstream media will choose the hatchet job every single time.