Sunday, July 17, 2005

It has been two days since I concurred with Ann Coulter's call for police to target Arabs while searching for suicide bombers, but I did not expect the British government, of all people, to actually do it. Yet it seems Tony Blair is a little smarter than I gave him credit for. Of course, for political purposes he had to shy away from saying anything about Islam in general, but his remarks on the bombing were definitely more focused than anything on this side of the pond has been lately. He dared to name the ideology of the bombers "Islamic extremism" (if he had used the term "Islamo-fascist terrorism" my life would have been complete) and his police are actually following the lead that MUSLIMS COMMITTED THE CRIME! Apparently the British police are investigating Islamic bookstores and schools, have arrested an Egyptian chemist believed to be linked to the attackers and are actively seeking the extradition of an Egyptian terrorist to stand trial in Britain. I say, well done, chaps! This probably won't win you points in Europe, but at least you can make reasonably sure those responsible are punished and that this doesn't happen again.

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