Thursday, June 16, 2005

The news media is increasingly amusing. Among their richest later efforts are such gems as these: "Clintons Balance Another Budget" and "GOP Worried About Bush's Approval Ratings." Interestingly, no one mentions that Clinton ran twice opposing a balanced budget and only finally agreed to it when forced by a Republican Congress. The even funnier thing is how the article tried to drum up sympathy for the poor "put-upon" Clintons who had to put up their millions in book fees and speaking fees to pay for the legal actions taken during the administration's endless scandals. Didn't the hero "Deep Throat" shed some light on this? Follow the money. I heartily doubt they used their own. And it is just hysterical that AOL claims GOP leaders are worried about Bush's falling approval ratings. Apparently they are worried he will cost them the Congress in '06 or '08. First off, he is the GOP leader, so I don't know who these other leaders are. Secondly, if not for Senate Republicans, Bush's approval ratings wouldn't be falling. The article cleverly but unwittingly included the truth when it said that Bush was in danger of being a lame-duck president. Only because his own party is scuttling him. No, Bush is in no danger of losing anything for his party, but his party might cost him in the long run. It's time to rein in those "mavericks."

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