Thursday, June 09, 2005
Mean Howard Dean is enjoying his new role as Democrats' cheerleader-in-chief apparently. Yesterday he defended his bitter personal attacks on the Republican leadership, and even went further, deriding the party as the party of "whites and Christians." As I am both, this doesn't particularly sadden me but it makes me interested that Dean is renouncing his claim to both. We already knew he didn't really want to be white, but it seems to me that when he was heading into Super Tuesday with a lot of southern primaries on the line, Dean went all out to prove he was a Christian. Of course this is the guy who claimed his favorite book of the New Testament was the book of Job (Old Testament) because he was feeling like Job insofar as the other Democrats were picking on him. This is also the guy who left the church he attended because the church wouldn't allow a bike path through their property. Nevertheless, he tried to convince the guys driving around with a Confederate flag in their pickup trucks that he was a card-carrying Christian. Now he derides a whole political party as being in the hands of "Christians." Remember this in '08, all of you.