Friday, May 27, 2005
Well, it happened. Took a little longer than I thought but it finally happened. The "deal" Senate RINO's cut with DIFO's (Democrats in Fact Only) fell through. The Senate ground to a halt right before the Memorial Day recess with Democrats continuing to filibuster John Bolton's nomination for the UN Ambassador position. It will now not be decided until next month sometime. The Senate Democrats are demanding the release of top secret documents having to do with Bolton from the State Department. If Harry Reid wants to pontificate stories about George Washington, perhaps he could tell people how as President, Washington refused to release secret documents relating to the controversial Jay's Treaty to Congress on the basis that national security would be endangered. Now, in case there are any historical scholars out there wanting to pick a fight with me, I do know that it was the House and not the Senate that Washington denied access to. But do you know what his rationale was? I'll assume you don't because I want to tell you: He believed it would be dangerous to leak top secret documents to a popularly-elected branch of government because of the temptation for members of that branch to inform their constituents for political reasons. In his day, the House was the only branch of government that was popularly elected, as the Senate was chosen by State Legislatures. Today, however, the Senate is also popularly elected! The fact is: the Senate has no right to these documents and the State department is right to refuse them. But I sure hope John McCain feels stupid because he is. He claimed he was making it possible for Dems and Republicans to work together. That's not going to happen as long as Harry Reid and the rest of these morons are simply obstructing the role of government. George Washington would not approve.