Monday, May 30, 2005

Well, I stand amazed. I would never have thought it of them. France's voters have dealt the EU a crushing blow, and humiliated their own president. 55% of France rejected the new EU constitution that would basically streamline all decisions, making the EU a sort of federation, I am assuming along the lines of the United States or the former USSR (I haven't actually read the proposed Constitution). Jacques Chirac campaigned hard and fast for this and admitted his disappointment with the turnout. The amazing thing is that it was the Left-leaning voters of France that apparently made the difference (well, perhaps not so amazing; there aren't many Right-leaning voters these days in Europe). Ah well; what can you expect when by European standards Chirac is center-right? This is good news for the United States. The EU is trying to be another super-power to balance the US. France's rejection makes it hard for all the America-haters to get together.

Today is Memorial Day in the US, a day we set aside to thank our servicemen and servicewomen who lay down their lives to keep our country safe. A huge thank-you to all who serve.

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