Thursday, May 12, 2005
This whole John Bolton thing has gotten way out of hand. All the blatant hypocrisy of the Left is in full cry. Imagine this was a President Kerry nominating someone for the post of ambassador to the UN and sending it before a Republican senate. Let's take some totally whacked out choice, I mean what else can you expect from the guy who chose John Edwards as his running mate? Let's say he suggests former President Jimmy Carter, or for that matter, former President Bill Clinton. And the Republicans in the Senate begin to dig into the past. Now the press would be all over them if they ever dredged up any event from the man's presidency to suggest he should not be ambassador to the United Nations. As far as I can tell, the case against Bolton rests entirely on the idea that he is "mean" to his employees. Bill Clinton called his secret service detail "trained pigs." Ask the permanent White House staff what they thought of Clinton or Carter. It won't be rosy pictures I can tell you that. But if the Republicans brought this up, they'd be accused of playing politics with an important position (which it isn't even--I mean it's only UN ambassador, it's not like federal judge or anything). And the Republicans would not do it this way either--they have a way of governing like a minority party. The choice would come before the whole Senate and undoubtedly cheered on by RINO's like McCain and Chafee might even pass. But they would not bottle it up in committee the way the Democrats have tried to do. I find it amazing that one livejournal commentator, who shall remain nameless and linkless to protect his stupidity, actually criticizes the Republicans for not "jumping ship" and undermining their own president on these issues. What did you expect, chico? The Democrats don't ever jump ship--remember the Clinton impeachment? Why should Republicans abandon their Republican principles? In fact, when they do, they get called up for it and the media decries their forsaking of the creed of "state's rights." I do agree with the Dems though on this one--George Bush shouldn't have picked John Bolton. He should have borrowed from Ronald I, Pope of Conservatism and Good-Thinking: He should have nominated Alan Keyes.