Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So, the sneak is revealed at last. I'm one of the few Americans who still thinks W. Mark Felts, "Deep Throat", is a snake and not a hero. His son calls him "a great American hero." Make me sick. I read with amazement today that after over thirty years of silence W. Mark Felts, former second in command at the FBI, has admitted that he was the mysterious "Deep Throat" (named after the title of a pornographic movie) that leaked information on the so-called Watergate scandal to the Washington Post, leading directly to the fall of the Nixon administration. I guess the press is probably glad it wasn't George H.W. Bush or Pat Buchanan, as some conspiracy theorists have suggested, because they wouldn't want to have to lionize the men they despise. So for the next few days I suspect we'll have to hear how brave and amazing "Deep Throat" was to stand up to the Nixon administration and destroy it. Give me a break. All this from the same people who think Clinton didn't do anything wrong. Watergate was the Left's revenge for Nixon's exposure of communist moles in the government years before; nothing more or less than that. LBJ, JFK, FDR and Truman, all darlings of the Left, had bugged their opponents and lied about it and the press knew it. So that obviously wasn't the reason Watergate mattered. It's pretty convenient how only Republicans are supposed to live by their principles.

And yes, President Bush shouldn't have used the word "disassembled" to denote lying in his press conference today. So what? What he said was true enough. Al Qaida is training their people to spread rumors of torture and desecration in order to divide their enemies. Of course the media is too busy praising "Deep Throat" and reliving the glory days of how they overthrew the Nixon administration to tell you about that but most of us saw this coming. Good thing President Bush doesn't listen to the media. We may win this war yet.

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