Thursday, May 05, 2005

I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I'm rather glad Britain's Labour Party remains in power. While Tony Blair's domestic policies differ widely from my own views, I nevertheless have to hand it to the man that he is a loyal and true friend and if this is worth anything, he is deserving of reelection. While my own natural tendecies is toward the Conservative Party, I nevertheless find myself in such revulsion at the Liberal Democrats that I would even back a Labour government in order to avoid Liberal Dems dictating the course of the country.

I wonder too what happened this morning with the bomb attack on the British Consul building in New York City. Mayor Bloomberg, another of those RINO's I warned you about, is advising people not to assume there was any specific target here. I don't know...Spain faced a similar attack right before its election day; Al Qaida hasn't shown too much creativity lately. They resort to the same old things. I suspect there may have been more to it than that. Hang in there, Mr. Blair. The US salutes you.

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