Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Does anyone remember, ever, what happens to Republicans who jump ship? The seven idiots who betrayed their own party yesterday will soon have reason to. The press may love them now but when a duly-elected Republican president, Bush I, once vowed, "Read my lips. No new taxes" and then waffled under pressure from a Democratic congress and signed the second biggest tax hike in US history, the press loved him too. But it had its limits. When given a choice between the waffler and the felon, they backed the felon. After all, he raised taxes even higher! McCain seems to think he can win without his base. Hillary already has the leftist loonies. They know her "trip to the right" is a bald-faced lie and she'll never live up to it. But the Republican base is not so sure of McCain or any of his cronies. I'm afraid that what will happen is that McCain will so disenfranchise the Republican base that they will veer off to a rightwing third party, leaving loyal Republicans with a choice between the Left (McCain) and the Far-Left (Hillary). Because there is very little Party attachment these days enough people will vote for the new Ross Perot (and we've got Howard Phillips and Roy Moore and a bunch of others lining up to be that) to give Hillary an easy election. It's time for action. I was mildly amused by the fact that AOL's headlines declare: "Conservatives Vow Revenge." Indeed, we do. And if McCain realized that only by "pandering to his conservative base" was Bush able to pull off the electoral upset of the century he'd be a little concerned about this. This would never happen in any other country because the other countries, like Canada (how sad), were smart enough to institute strong parties and there are penalties for selling your own side out. I'd like to see some of them taken off committees now. President Bush and Senator Frist, stop being so gentlemanly! If you don't act now to preserve your authority, you will be condemned to being useless figureheads for the rest of your term in office. And voters won't remember it kindly in 2008: all they'll think is, "Hillary's husband got stuff done." And he did. Because Republicans weren't smart enough to realize being the majority means you get to dictate. Otherwise he would never have survived in office.

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