Friday, April 01, 2005

Well, we'll see if this works. By the time this finally does happen you're going to read about five different posts at once. I have been blogging all this time; but glitches have prevented publication. I would like to send kudos to the Catholic Church for their united front in defending Terri Schiavo's right to live. It is more and more ironic to me that anti-Catholic prejudice was so prevalent in early America because people feared they would answer more to the pope and international Catholicism than to American law. Now judges do the exact same thing, and nobody thinks anything about it. The judiciary must be humbled--what Alexander Hamilton and James Madison described as "the weakest branch" has used its weakness, Nietzsche-like, to thwart the strong. There is no independence here. The judges simply impose their view of morality on the world at large. And the tide appears to be turning. At this rate, so far from hurting the Republican Party, the Liberals will cease to function by 2008. Democrats tried stonewalling the constitutional process of judicial appointment and their ratings have only fallen.

That's the other thing. When are Republicans going to stop letting Democrats get away with anything they want to? Does anyone in the Democratic Party even know how to filibuster? Watch "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"--the filibustering process is where a senator or group of senators take the floor and hold it, nonstop, preventing a vote on a bill from taking place. The minute the filibustering senator yields the floor and sits down, the filibuster is over, unless another senator of his/her persuasion takes it up from them. But today's Democratic Party just says, "We're filibustering" and they all leave the room. This is not even legal. Maybe Bill Frist and all them should watch "Mr. Smith"--the Vice President can compel a quorum to return and unless the filibustering senators wish to keep to the floor, orating on why it's a bad idea for hours, the filibuster is over and business proceeds as usual. Might hurt some people's feelings but this is politics after all. And it's about time the Republican Party started safeguarding the interests and laws of the people who elected them and not pandering to a minority party on its way out.

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