Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Just when I thought they couldn't sink any lower.... My "Christian" college today hosted an "Earth Day" chapel. I'm all for protecting the environment and if the so-called Green Party ever actually was "green" for the environment and not simply for money for their radical left-wing agenda I might listen once in awhile. But these wackos have gone too far. CNN reported last night that courageous volunteers are wading out 24/7 to rescue some beached dolphins and make sure they don't starve to death or drown while they are trapped. They're even feeding them through a stinking feeding tube! I thought that starvation produced euphoria and what if the dolphins told somebody awhile ago that they wanted to die that way? The respect for animal life but not for human is just unbelieveable.
Something else annoying me right now: the idiocy of the Left when dealing with Tom DeLay. Some know-it-alls on the other sound have moaned about DeLay's request that Congress rein in activist judges (play whiny sniveling voice here): Oh, he's urging violence against judges who disagree with him. Just one more instance of the Left imprinting its own attitude and way of doing things on its opponents. Oh please, who are the people circulating shirts that say: "Tom DeLay: Commit suicide, please. Signed, everyone." Or "For God's Sake, Kill Bush." It's true. Neoconservatives have an understanding that reining in or stopping someone can be done short of murder. Leftists don't. If neoconservatives were eager to knock off their enemies, or people who disagree with them, do you think Hillary Clinton would still be alive? Or Bill? Or AlGore? Or John Kerry? Or the NYT editorial board? Or Michael Moore? There's an awful lot of jabbering Leftists living and breathing if we're really as good and desperate as the Left thinks.
Something else annoying me right now: the idiocy of the Left when dealing with Tom DeLay. Some know-it-alls on the other sound have moaned about DeLay's request that Congress rein in activist judges (play whiny sniveling voice here): Oh, he's urging violence against judges who disagree with him. Just one more instance of the Left imprinting its own attitude and way of doing things on its opponents. Oh please, who are the people circulating shirts that say: "Tom DeLay: Commit suicide, please. Signed, everyone." Or "For God's Sake, Kill Bush." It's true. Neoconservatives have an understanding that reining in or stopping someone can be done short of murder. Leftists don't. If neoconservatives were eager to knock off their enemies, or people who disagree with them, do you think Hillary Clinton would still be alive? Or Bill? Or AlGore? Or John Kerry? Or the NYT editorial board? Or Michael Moore? There's an awful lot of jabbering Leftists living and breathing if we're really as good and desperate as the Left thinks.