Sunday, March 06, 2005
Thank you to the Observer for her last comment. I am truly flattered, I mean this sincerely, by your words. I have never really thought of myself as a "future leader of America." I laughed for an hour after reading it. The fun thing is, I would probably stand a better chance of being elected than you, but that's neither here nor there.
I will of course be labeled arrogant for this. It's always been a real mystery to me that the one who simply believes he's right and tries to prove it is arrogant, while someone who lists among their areas of expertise "everything" is not. In the long run, however, liberals are really the arrogant ones. The only reason there are liberals among those calling themselves Christians is because American Christianity, like European Christianity before it, has somehow decided that "traditional" equals "wrong." The people who think they know better than the church fathers, the reformers, the thinkers and theologians of the centuries, these are the arrogant ones. Chronological snobbery is the worst form of arrogance and it is, unfortunately, in vogue upon Christian academics. They treat their church like Burke said the French revolutionaries treated France, like a "blank slate upon which one may scribble whatever one pleases." The fate of the French revolution is the fate of these people as well. They will find themselves adrift, without anything, in the clutches of what they tried to avoid.
I will of course be labeled arrogant for this. It's always been a real mystery to me that the one who simply believes he's right and tries to prove it is arrogant, while someone who lists among their areas of expertise "everything" is not. In the long run, however, liberals are really the arrogant ones. The only reason there are liberals among those calling themselves Christians is because American Christianity, like European Christianity before it, has somehow decided that "traditional" equals "wrong." The people who think they know better than the church fathers, the reformers, the thinkers and theologians of the centuries, these are the arrogant ones. Chronological snobbery is the worst form of arrogance and it is, unfortunately, in vogue upon Christian academics. They treat their church like Burke said the French revolutionaries treated France, like a "blank slate upon which one may scribble whatever one pleases." The fate of the French revolution is the fate of these people as well. They will find themselves adrift, without anything, in the clutches of what they tried to avoid.