Tuesday, March 22, 2005

It's ridiculous--a professor at the University of Wisconsin said last night that starvation of Terri Schiavo would not be painful for her because "she can't feel pain." Yesterday's NYT took it a little further, applying it across the board. It calls starvation "a gentle death." Rush Limbaugh was rightly skeptical: Why do we have to feed people in Africa then? This is true. The people in Africa probably don't like their lives either. This is so patently ludicrous. Starvation is a horrible death. This is why we spend billions to provide food for people overseas and why people get all teared up and when confronted with the plight of millions of people in Africa or the Middle East or South America or downtown Chicago or wherever it happens to be. The Common Room details how a survivor of the "persistent vegetative state" who had been starved for eight days feels about the whole thing.

The Left and the pseudo-Right are wrong on this issue on so many levels. We don't even starve animals, we call that inhumane. The Left isn't really interested in protecting the rights of the state. They are interested, however, in protecting the power of the courts. This is the real reason they wish Congress to remain out of it. It is not unconstitutional at all--Article III of the US Constitution gives Congress the power to establish the jurisdiction of the court system, which is what they did. They gave Federal courts the power to review the case. This is completely within congressional authority. But Leftists don't want the court power to diminish--how will they rule the country without these unelected elitists dictating to the majority of the country?

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