Friday, March 25, 2005

"If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I am nothing." As Terri Schiavo's life is drained away by the order of elitist men in black, I am reminded of the real difference between Right and Left, me and the Observer. In the end it comes down to motivation. What motivates people to act in certain ways? It depends of course on who you're talking about. But it is love, actually, that should be our primary motiovation, especially if you call yourself a Christian. This is what is motivating people to act on Terri's behalf. We have a high view of human life because we actually do believe all life is precious because we believe these people are created in the image of God. What is motivating those on the other side? Quite simply, it's hatred. Read the Observer's gleeful comments on my March 22nd post, read the arguments flooding from the other side, hear Michael Schiavo ask, "Is the bitch dead yet?" It's different kind of hatred than simple hatred of Terri. For the Observer it's hatred of Bush, so much so that she is willing, no even happy, to let an innocent woman die as long as we "lose." The hatred she has for some leads her to a complete contempt for human life. It's a disastrous place to be at. This is why she can pontificate (I choose that word with care) about how Christians should demand withdrawal from Iraq on the basis of 21 dead Italians. In other words, I should mourn personally over each dead soldier, shot in pursuance of duty, fully capable of defending themselves, but I should ignore the plight of an innocent American citizen being starved to death by the order of her own government, or rather a branch of that government acting as its sole agent. Observer, you may have "some" knowledge of Constitutional law, but that probably only extends to knowing what the Constitution is. Article III of the Constitution gives Congress the right to establish the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts and that is what they did. Your hatred of Bush obscures all else: this is why the Left plasters our papers with names of dead soldiers, and big banner headlines reading THOUSANDTH SOLDIER KILLED!!! It's a circus. You whine and complain about my "insults and name calling" but at least it's only you I'm aiming it at. Your posts are an insult to all of humanity, that you think that little of human life, that you find glee in its loss. I defy you: read any of my posts and find a place where I am gleeful over the loss of life. I'm glad when terrorists are killed or locked up because I have a love for innocent people that you do not share and I want anyone who could harm them safely put away. But I do not celebrate soldiers' deaths in an attempt to discredit Bush and make my own political point; and I do not rejoice in the death of an innocent woman because it means my political enemies "lose" a battle. If we ever withdrew food and water from the terrorists, heck, if we ever withdrew food and water from our dogs, there would be a tremendous outcry, and so there should be. Starving someone is about the most tortuous way to go, even worse than sawing off someone's head with a butcher knife. And if you try to go on about some kind of Christian answer to how we ought to mourn every death, I have but one thing to say: You didn't read to the end of the book. Revelation contains a two chapter song, sung by the angels at God's command, celebrating the utter destruction of Babylon, the city of doom. I do not think it wrong to rejoice when liberation comes to an oppressed people, which it has in Iraq. Those of us on this side of the argument act from love--love for the innocent, love for the oppressed, love for justice. You act from complete and utter hatred, and your posts show it, you hate Bush, you hate anyone who agrees with him, and you hate anything that will make him look good, like a victory over the tyranny of the judiciary, or the establishment of his "culture of life." So don't try to talk Christian virtue to me. You've ruined your credibility on that score with your last few posts.

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