Sunday, March 20, 2005

I had hoped this case would be out of the news now, but Terri Schiavo surfaces again as her husband, the father of two children by his mistress, seeks to kill her. I don't care what anybody says, this one is clear cut. I'm sick of pseudo-conservatives pretending this isn't the government's business and liberals warbling about "the dignity of death." Pseudo-conservatives: This is the government's business, in fact, it is their only business. Romans 13 declares that government is an agent to do good and punish evil. Protecting an innocent woman from murder certainly falls within the do good/punish evil category. As for the rest of it, I don't think that it is analogous to those doctors who decide to stop trying to save the life of the patient. For example, someone on life support is not expected to live anyway, so the doctor, in conjunction with the patient's family, decides to stop the life support. I am not condemning this. Because sometimes the patient can live without the life support, and if they do, the doctor isn't going to leap on the bed and smother them. They've stopped actively trying to save the life but they are not actively trying to take it. But to stop feeding a patient can have only one end: death. As far as I can tell, Terri displays all the vital signs--she smiles, she laughs, she responds to touch and words. And just why is her husband so eager to have her dead? He won't even allow her parents to buy him off and assume the responsibility to care for Terri. This is straightforward: Terri's husband is trying to murder her for reasons of his own, and the government is well within its rights to step forward and stop this.

Meanwhile, they recently captured another animal in Florida, about to be charged with the kidnapping and murder of a nine-year-old girl. Where are the pseudo-conservatives saying the government shouldn't "get involved" in this case? Or how about this: let's let the father meet the guy. Preferably in a dark alley where his screams for help will not avail him. It's a family affair after all.

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