Thursday, March 24, 2005
Does anyone wonder...
...why Terry Schiavo's husband Michael was the only one to witness her accident?
...why he, though certified in CPR, did not perform CPR on her?
...why he will not let her parents take her over and he can get just get on with his life?
...why nobody else ever knew that Terri wanted to be murdered?
...why judges are ignoring that some doctors have said Terri did not have a heart attack, but rather showed evidence of a blunt blow to the back of the head?
(see first question.)
...why, if she will not recover but her parents want to take care of her, her husband still wants her dead?
Big question: what does Terri know, and would maybe remember if she recovered, that Scott--er, Michael, doesn't want anyone to find out?
Governor Jeb Bush should take matters into his own hands. When Florida courts declared Elian Gonzalez in the guardianship of his family in Miami, the Clinton Justice Department sent armed guards to seize him at gunpoint and send him back to Cuba...all because Castro said so. In effect, the Banana Boat Republic dictated to the United States what it would do. So where was the vaunted respect for states rights then? When the Left says "states rights" what they really mean is "states court." Courts are the only branch of government liberals want, because then they'll never have to be judged by the people. When the Supreme Court overrode state's laws outlawing abortion, liberals cheered. So, who's blowing their cover now? The Left is now being revealed for what they are--they don't care about states rights unless it agrees with their ideology, and what they are for in reality is death of the innocent. Terrorists and murderers are their protectorate--helpless women and children are their victims.
...why Terry Schiavo's husband Michael was the only one to witness her accident?
...why he, though certified in CPR, did not perform CPR on her?
...why he will not let her parents take her over and he can get just get on with his life?
...why nobody else ever knew that Terri wanted to be murdered?
...why judges are ignoring that some doctors have said Terri did not have a heart attack, but rather showed evidence of a blunt blow to the back of the head?
(see first question.)
...why, if she will not recover but her parents want to take care of her, her husband still wants her dead?
Big question: what does Terri know, and would maybe remember if she recovered, that Scott--er, Michael, doesn't want anyone to find out?
Governor Jeb Bush should take matters into his own hands. When Florida courts declared Elian Gonzalez in the guardianship of his family in Miami, the Clinton Justice Department sent armed guards to seize him at gunpoint and send him back to Cuba...all because Castro said so. In effect, the Banana Boat Republic dictated to the United States what it would do. So where was the vaunted respect for states rights then? When the Left says "states rights" what they really mean is "states court." Courts are the only branch of government liberals want, because then they'll never have to be judged by the people. When the Supreme Court overrode state's laws outlawing abortion, liberals cheered. So, who's blowing their cover now? The Left is now being revealed for what they are--they don't care about states rights unless it agrees with their ideology, and what they are for in reality is death of the innocent. Terrorists and murderers are their protectorate--helpless women and children are their victims.