Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Somebody has commented recently that I apparently never think that Bush does anything wrong. The words "pesky brat" were used in connection with someone apparently just like me. How mature...anyone who agrees with Bush is a "pesky brat." I wonder how it makes one's intelligence superior to criticize Bush on anything. But I will humor the public. I do disagree very strongly with Bush on immigration. I think he's making a huge mistake in stepping out of line with the American public and one that could be costly down the road. I also take exception with his statement that we need "primarily to change hearts" not laws in fiascos like abortion and gay marriage. It sounds good, but, Mr. President, how many hearts are we going to change? The majority of the American people are already behind you on this one. Now it's the time to start changing laws...and how about a few judges?

Another person complains about an earlier blog entry in which I endorsed the so-called "torture" of Muslim prisoners. Turns out it wasn't even really torture, it was psychological coercion. This person complained that I would "have a field day" if it was done to our soldiers. Sorry, honey. It is done to our soldiers. In fact worse things are done to our soldiers. Our soldiers and our civilians too have their heads sawn off on Iraqi TV. Given the choice I'd rather have menstrual blood on me, or red ink as it really was than be decapitated. Nor is government required to "treat people the way Jesus would treat them." Instead, Paul says in Romans 13, that government is an instrument of God "to punish evil" and those who do wrong should fear it because it "does not bear the sword for nothing." Vengeance is another concept discussed in Romans 13. The main problem as well with this constant focus on the torture is one would think it's all American soldiers do. The American troops have been extremely longsuffering in every sense of the word. Some of them have entered burning buildings after being ambushed and carried their wounded attackers to safety. They hand out food and candy and play soccer with Iraqi kids (at least the ones not being used as bombers). They rebuild schools and hospitals and guard law-abiding Iraqis against the terrorists. As individuals, the American soldiers are being "Good Samaritans"; as representatives of a government bent on avenging the evil these terrorists have done, they are not bound to honor the Sermon on the Mount.

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