Wednesday, February 02, 2005

President Bush did us neo-conservative Republicans proud tonight. He did not back down and he did not mince words. On every issue, from blocking judicial nominees to reforming social security, he faced the cameras and articulated his message. It is about time that Democrats in Congress, rather than block needed legislation, put their heads to making this country work. Some might claim that our Founders really wanted branches of government to block each other and that's true to a point, but the Founders also rather hoped that this would be done in the interest of the country. Democrats block judicial appointments and necessary legislation not because they think it will be bad for the country but because they do not want George W. Bush to go down in history as the great president he deserves to be known as. This kind of partisan bickering is certainly not worthy of a party that wants to be a loyal opposition. If the President can show the same relentless determination through the next four years that he showed tonight, we won't have to worry about Hillary in 2008 because her party will have long since ceased to exist. I believe the Democrats as they stand today are headed for the same fate as the Federalists and the Whigs and for pretty much the same reason: they are out of the mainstream.

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