Thursday, January 13, 2005

It constantly amuses me to see people whine that George W. Bush, having scored an outstanding victory, must now "reach out" to people who didn't vote for him. I've often thought I'd like to visit Liberal World just to see how things happen there. I'd never want to live there, you understand. But sports would be a lot of fun. Can't you just see the Boston Red Sox apologizing to the Yankees? "We beat you guys, so sorry. Here, we'll let you have half the trophy." Or the New England Patriots giving half of their Super Bowl rings to the Carolina Panthers so they won't "feel bitter." I always thought the point of winning was that the winner got to gloat a little bit, or at least to decide how they were going to use what they won. Not in Liberal Land.

Wars would be fun. By their logic, the US and Britain should have apologized to Hitler. "Terribly sorry for beating you, old chap. Tell you what, we'll put up laws banning Jews and we'll keep the death camps just so you don't feel bad about losing the war. All we'll do differently is stop killing the gypsies."

Fortunately, George W. Bush is not a liberal. "I have a lot of political capital right now," he told his first press conference, "and I intend to spend it." Good. That's what we elected him to do. Liberals may dream of a fantasy world when, win or lose, they get to do what they want but if them winning (with a minority-president in the mid-90s, not even holding on to Congress) means they can spread their ideas abroad, then Bush winning such a huge majority means the same thing. I hope more Republicans become like him.

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