Monday, November 22, 2004
President Bush has not even been inaugurated and already Republicans are fretting about 2008. Since Hillary has been the most talked about Democrat candidate we're apparently supposed to measure our chances against her. Dick Morris, who makes living predicting doom and gloom for Republicans (he said that Kerry would win Ohio and Missouri), is saying only three Republicans can defeat her: McCain, Giuliani and Condi Rice. Since two of the three are Republicans in name only, I suppose that leaves Condi. Frankly, I don't see what the hysteria is about. Bush just won convincingly an election the naysayers said he could never win, at least without sacrificing Congress or the governorships. He has set an historic precedent in everything he has done. Bush will go down in history, not along the "forgotten ones" like LBJ and Jimmy Carter but in the same breath with Abraham Lincoln and FDR. He is, quite honestly, one of the greatest presidents of all time. Not even the supposedly astute Clinton managed to hold onto party supremacy despite a booming economy. Bush has done all that and more. There have been no more terror attacks. The economy is recovering rapidly. If a Democrat did that, they'd sing his praises. We've got four more years of this amazing man leading this country. Let's not worry just yet about who will replace him. We'll deal with that when the time comes. Frankly, however, I think the naysayers are wrong again. Whether or not Hillary wins in 2008, there are many, many Republicans who can beat her. Giuliani at least cannot.