Thursday, November 11, 2004

Politics continues to feature great amusement for me. Personally I think the worst thing Bush could do at this point in time is to put Rudy Giuliani in as attorney general of the United States. John Ashcroft left some hard shoes to fill but putting an ultra-liberal "Republican" with designs on the presidency in would be a huge mistake.

I also find it amusing that John Kerry is floating the possibility of a 2008 presidential bid. I half hope he does. Can you imagine the scenario? The Democrats have a clean shot at the presidency because the popular incumbent is gone and the candidate is unlikely to be an administration member and along comes ol' Gray Locks and he really thinks the Party is going to squander their chances with him. Even cheating and with the backing of multi-millionaires and the establishment press he couldn't unseat the president everyone thought was vulnerable. Does he really think he'll have a chance even in 2008 with his own party remembering how he let them down last time? If Kerry enters at all, he'll be a dead duck before the end of the New Hampshire primary if not earlier. This contest will be between Hillary Clinton and John Edwards and for the latter to win the former will have to die. On the Republican side, I'm not so sure what to look for. I'm holding out hope that either Rick Santorum or Bill Frist (or better yet Jeb Bush) will throw their hat into the ring. Rudy vs. Hillary for New York Senate was bad enough; Rudy vs. Hillary for US President would be far, far worse.

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