Monday, November 29, 2004

OK, I've about had it with UK Christians telling me how our economy is stupid when people over here can't even afford to buy a house because of all the taxes levied by their leftist government. I'm also continually frustrated by their references to they're placing importance on justice rather than "private" moral issues like abortion or gay marriage.

First of all, I'm not sure there's any such thing as "private" moral issues. That's not a Biblical idea. According to the Bible, the private morals of a people determine the morality of a nation. Individual idol-worshipers brought down the nation of Israel; one group's homosexuality sparked a disastrous civil war. Nor is it true that we cannot "legislate" morality--morality is the only thing you can legislate! How is it right to force people to give money to someone they couldn't care less about? But you can set down a law regarding abortion or gay marriage and thus force people to be moral, if that's what it takes. In an ideal world, people would do this stuff naturally, but as no less a person than John Jay said, "It will be either the Bible or the bayonet." Thanks to the whole separation of church and state crowd, it's not the Bible, so it will have to be the bayonet. According to Romans 13, the whole purpose of government is "to do good and punish evil." If it ever starts doing evil and punishing good, it has ceased to be a legitimate government and change is called for, whether through the bullet or the ballot-box. Jacques Chirac must be getting nervous about now.

And tell me, UK Christians, how is it "justice" to ignore the plight of millions of enslaved people and continue to fund the regime that enslaves them? This is what France has done. Bush did make a mistake in the whole Iraq debacle--he went to the UN a second time. This only delayed matters and got us nowhere. The French dug their heels in like an unmannerly colt and nothing was going to satisfy them. They got millions of dollars worth of oil, while aiding Saddam to build an illegal arsenal and starve his people. Is this justice? Would it not be more just to end the regime and liberate the people? How is this less just than the alternative? No, Europe has a perverted view of justice based on a very simple principle: Europe is weak and feeling the strain. So they have to pretend it's better to be weak and that those who are actually capable of dealing with evil should not. Does this sound Nietszchan? If so, then Nietszche was right, not about Jewry throughout history but about modern Europe. It has nothing to do with being morally superior, European Christian; it has to do with the Enlightenment ideal that nothing is really good and evil and the Marxist ideal that economic interest is all that should motivate anyone to vote. Neither is Biblical and both should be rejected. Your ridiculous carping and whining has not earned you respect in the eyes of the world--Americans (rightly) think you're weaklings and so do the people you're trying to appease. At least they can respect the armed might of international law, you they can't even respect, much less embrace. Most ignorant people at least keep it to themselves without flaunting it to the world. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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