Wednesday, November 24, 2004

And so, having ignited the scandal of a lifetime, the media's most liberal disk jockey (er, news anchor) has stepped down. It's right about time. For over two decades, Dan Rather has been deceiving the American people, making them believe he represents truth-telling and honesty rather than partisan sniping. What they have gotten instead is a deliberate lie to discredit a sitting president and an attempt twice to sway the outcome of an election by publishing partial reports and inaccurate exit polls to convince people that the winner was chosen without them. Neither time did it work but it might have in the past. Were the man in question's name Richard Nixon instead of Dan Rather, the media would be hailing this as the triumph of free press as opposed to censorship but as it is, I suspect they will be complaining about the "right-wing" nuts that supposedly run this country and intimidate free-speakers. It's funny, it's contradictory, and until the Left realizes that they need to have a program that makes sense, ridiculous thugs like this is all they will have.

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