Thursday, October 21, 2004
Oh, this is a good one! In the midst of worries that this election will turn out like the last one, except hopefully with a victory for the leftist, the media in Canada (Canada!) is urging John Kerry "not to repeat the mistakes of Al Gore." If they defined his mistake as running for president in the first place I might agree with them, but apparently his mistake was not politicizing it soon enough. Gore, it would seem, "watched as Bush seized strategic high ground"--an amazing claim considering it was Gore who made the decision to litigate and ignored a much nobler man's earlier decision to accept defeat rather than tear the country apart (except the Left doesn't like Richard Nixon so they won't tell you this). I'm really not worried about the outcome of this election...if it were any ordinary election. But the Democrats seem hellbent for leather on changing the rules to suit their desired outcome. John Kerry's campaign has announced it is prepared to "declare victory" at the first opportunity and then sue to protect that claim. It is just as we feared...lawyers being involved in a United States election is an ill wind that blows no good.
In the movie "Remember the Titans" there is a scene where corrupt officials are calling penalties on the Titans to try and make them lose the game despite their superior playing. The coach of the Titans yells to the refs: "Let the boys play!" That's what I wish I could yell at the DNC: "Let the people say!" In previous elections, polling among likely voters was trusted as accurate polling. Now that the polling among likely voters shows Bush still up eight points, despite their best efforts, Democrats are saying that you have to take other factors into consideration: thus giving Kerry a supposed 2-3 point edge over Bush. It's this kind of change-the-rules-till-I-win system that worries me. If the people had their choice, even if they chose Kerry, it would be worth it. But Kerry knows he would never, ever, be the choice of the American people and so he's arranging things to thwart their will and become president anyway. Hopefully two weeks from now, Bush will have won a landslide that nobody, not even the courts, can contest, and the true sovereign of the United States will have shown the French-looking candidate where to get off.
In the movie "Remember the Titans" there is a scene where corrupt officials are calling penalties on the Titans to try and make them lose the game despite their superior playing. The coach of the Titans yells to the refs: "Let the boys play!" That's what I wish I could yell at the DNC: "Let the people say!" In previous elections, polling among likely voters was trusted as accurate polling. Now that the polling among likely voters shows Bush still up eight points, despite their best efforts, Democrats are saying that you have to take other factors into consideration: thus giving Kerry a supposed 2-3 point edge over Bush. It's this kind of change-the-rules-till-I-win system that worries me. If the people had their choice, even if they chose Kerry, it would be worth it. But Kerry knows he would never, ever, be the choice of the American people and so he's arranging things to thwart their will and become president anyway. Hopefully two weeks from now, Bush will have won a landslide that nobody, not even the courts, can contest, and the true sovereign of the United States will have shown the French-looking candidate where to get off.