Saturday, September 11, 2004

Today marks the three-year anniversary since Muslim extremists slaughtered three thousand Americans in suicide attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. There would have been an assault on the White House or Capitol as well, had the "cowardly" passengers on the Pennsylvania jet (cowardly, at least according to Michael Moore) not taken matters into their own hands. On such an anniversary it is human and normal to ask, why? Why the death? It seems so pointless.

But on further reflection not pointless at all. The people who were murdered three years ago today died for a very simple reason: evil exists in this world and is not content until it has rubbed all trace of goodness from this planet. The extremists who committed these acts are not human beings who deserve to have civilized people consider their complaints...they are subhuman trash who deserve only the front end of American missiles. It is not the supposed "crimes of the West" that prompted these attacks...the sins "devout" Muslims supposedly abhor were committed wholesale by these hijackers, figuring Allah wouldn't keep them away from their seventy virgins, because at least they died, murdering the infidel. Drinking, whoring, gambling, the whole shebang. No, they hate America because it represents freedom. They hate us because we are free to pursue our own lives without the dictates of some nutcase who thinks he's got God's ear. People have railed at the US and at our President for believing, as Zell Miller masterfully put it, "that God is not indifferent to the United States", but these Muslims believe that they, and they alone, are the recipients of God's favor. Why doesn't the politically correct Left get on their case? They would, but that would mean siding with their least favorite country in the world: the United States. Anything but do that.

Those who were killed must be avenged and they are being. Afghanistan and Iraq have been huge successes. Entire pockets of terrorists are being wiped out and two Arab countries, of all things, are on the fast track to becoming peaceful, democratic bastions of freedom in a tyrannized area. But it is not enough. We must remain on the offensive. We must seek out, and then wipe out, these hellspawn who threaten the stability of the world. We must give them no quarter, nor any reason to expect any. If that means invading Syria and Iran, so be it. If that means arming our old enemies, the Russians, to destroy Chechnya, let it be done. The war they ignited must prove the adage: they have roused a sleeping giant, and now they will pay.

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