Thursday, September 02, 2004

Politics is great. Anyone who wants a good laugh really ought to get involved in it. Well, on the conservative side anyway...liberals can only sneer. After Dick Cheney and Zell Miller, well described as "the conscience of the Democratic Party" (what would Jiminy Cricket do with Democrats? It'd be worse than Pinocchio, but I digress.), ripped into John Kerry last night, much the way every speaker at the DNC ripped into Bush, except for one thing (Miller and Cheney simply recalled the facts of Kerry's record), Democrats, beginning with John-Is-My-Hair-Combed-Right Edwards have been sniffing about how "mean" the Republicans were. It has never ceased to amaze me that Democrats can sneer and call Republicans names all they want and no one will call them on it. But the minute a Republican brings up something about a Democrat's record, it becomes nasty, partisan politics. One Democratic strategist (names withheld, so Joe Lockhart can't be chided for his femininity) complained that Cheney and Miller looked like "crabby old men" last night. That's as opposed to menopausal women. And no, I'm not going to tell you whether I'm referring to Theresa or John Kerry. You have to figure some things out for yourself.

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