Wednesday, September 08, 2004
It is one of the remarkable features of the War for Iraqi Liberation that the press feels called upon to "mark" the occasion of the US death toll rising past 1,000. Many are calling today "historic." This malicious pleasure in the death of US soldiers to try and make a political point is just sickening. One wonders how these people would have survived a World War where tens of thousands died every day. One US soldier in Iraq remarked scornfully, "I have one word to say to these people: Gettysburg." She's right. At Gettysburg, over 60,000 soldiers died in a single day in a contest that could well have been avoided. The good news on this day of mourning is that soldiers in Iraq are ignoring the hoopla about the thousand of them that have died, choosing to remember that three years ago this Saturday we passed the thousand death mark three times in one day.