Tuesday, August 17, 2004
You won't read me badmouthing fellow conservatives much but Newsmax magazine is beginning to get on my nerves. They seem to enjoy embodying the archetype of the whiny conservative (as opposed to whiny leftists inhabiting the editorial boards of every other major newspaper). Now they have sent around an email complaining that Arnold Schwarzenegger has "praised Kerry" and "limited campaigning for Bush." As a Bush supporter, I read the headline and thought the Terminator had betrayed his party. But reading the story I find he has done nothing more than express that he has no personal animosity for Kerry (calling him a "terrific human being" which is stretching it but you know how Hollywood is) and his limited campaigning is only limited in the sense that he wishes to remain in California. Considering California is the only state Scharzenegger could give Bush in November anyway, this is probably a good idea. In all this, I find nothing to suggest that Arnold is selling out the Bush campaign or giving Kerry any groundwork. He claims only to differ from Kerry on issues, not on personality or lifestyle (hey, you can't everything, right? Even if Schwarzenegger did marry his money) but this is what political campaigns are supposed to be about and I say he is doing the right thing.