Wednesday, August 25, 2004

What's the matter, Senator Kerry? Does it hurt your feelings to be treated the way your people treat the President? Aww. Poor Kerry. Run home now to Theresa and have a good cry. Just try not to look at her for too long. It'll give you nightmares. Oh give me a break! Why is it only Republicans have to ever grow up in this world? Kerry is fuming because average, every day people don't want him to be president. Having himself given the wink to Moveon and other such treason-oriented groups to blast Bush, he complains when a Bush lawyer also advises the Swift Boat Veterans, to the extent that said lawyer has resigned from the campaign. Bush's military service is trotted out for examination again and again and again and Bush is just supposed to give in and release his records for public consumption. Kerry's military record, which will probably not be all that impressive when the truth finally comes out, is supposed to be above and beyond question and anyone who dares bring it up is considered ungentlemanly, I guess. I can't figure out any other reason why free speech about a Democrat ought to be suppressed. It really ought to be manifestly obvious to everyone with half a mind that the only real Kerry supporters are the most rapid of the anti-Bush crowd and not even all of them. No sooner was Kerry named the nominee, then people were crawling out of the woodwork all over the place to say, "We don't want this man to be our president." You don't have this with Bush. You have multimillionaire perverts like Michael Moore-on and George Soros attacking him, but no real person who knows him is coming out against him. Ought to make you wonder: Kerry was a the North Vietnamese; he's also a great the French.

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