Thursday, August 19, 2004

The top news today is that a Nebraska Republican who initially supported the War for Iraqi Liberation (that's my new name for it--has a nice ring, don't you think? Makes more sense than The War for Southern Independence or the War for Soviet Domination, aka the Civil War and World War II but I digress.) now claims it was "a mistake". Congressman Doug Bereuter apparently has sent a letter to constituents who called him to account for supporting the war, admitting he now believes it was unjustified.

Well, that's nice. That's his right. Everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinions about one the most just (I was going to say "justest" but didn't want to sound the intellectual equal of Hillary Clinton) wars in history. A threat was removed to our country and millions of people liberated from the rule of a dictator the equivalent of Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin and this is unjustified. Bereuter claims that the whole war has deteriorated into "a costly mess." He believes now we needed a plan. Maybe we needed a plan like we had for Germany--divide it up between four hostile powers and take forty-five years to get the country back on its feet. Going solo, we rebuilt Japan in five years. I think history is on our side. Even if you disagree, and you too are entitled to your wrong opinions, isn't it the slightest bit interesting that the press is busy burying the fact that a US senator from Georgia who is a lifelong Democrat supported, and still supports, the war in Iraq? Or that even the likes of Joseph Liebermann remain adamant that it was justified? Why is it only dissident Republicans who get any air time? Sounds suspiciously like bias to me.

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