Friday, August 20, 2004

Recently in Missouri, in what may be a precurser to this Fall's election, an amendment to the state constitution expanding gambling in certain areas of the state was struck down by a hefty majority to everyone's astonishment. The more so, because proponents of the gambling amendment outspent its opponents 10 to 1.

I am reminded of a scene from an old movie about the life of Martin Luther. When the nobles of Germany were commanded by the emperor to return to catholicism and back his defense of Vienna, the nobles refused. Incensed, the emperor shouted, "I command your allegiance!" To which the nobles replied, "You cannot command our conscience!" The big wigs in Missouri are learning this the hard way. To me it was heartening. Nowadays, money is seen as the end-all--with money you can do anything, regardless of conscience. Missouri has disproved that. Conscience can still trump money, the love of which is indeed the root of all evil. The money that Theresa Heinz Kerry and her liberal action groups are throwing into the fray, or for that matter the money spent by the Bush campaign as well, are insignificant gnats in the great scheme of things. The battle is about conscience, about heart and soul. Victory will be won, not by dollars spent, but by people rising up to fight for what they believe in. It happened in Missouri and I believe it can happen nationwide as well. Money is trumped by what really matters: heart. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

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