Friday, July 30, 2004
Well, the Spawn of Satan convention (as Ann Coulter accurately termed it) is over and off go John and John to campaign. Has anyone noticed they're campaigning together? Kerry can't even go out by himself anymore. For all the help Edwards is supposedly giving Kerry, it won't do much good if they can only cover however much ground they can do together. Bush on the other hand can send Cheney or Laura or a good number of people out to campaign in other places while he's campaigning somewhere. This way Republicans can actually cover more ground. The press of course is suiting up for a Kerry victory but I strongly doubt it. The whole scenario reminds me of the McGovern campaign in 1972. A Republican incumbent, "investigated" constantly by the media, waging a supposedly "unpopular" war, challenged by the dream ticket of the media--two left-wing lunatics standing for nothing yet trying to stand for everything. Does anyone remember the result? The dream ticket won MA and DC and fell flat everywhere else. Do I think it will be that big this Fall? Maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised.