Monday, July 26, 2004
I hear this alot: "I'm not sure who to vote for, because they're all conservatives and liberals and I don't know what I am." Or better yet, "I'm above this partisan bickering." Translation: I'm pretty easy to classify. I used to say stuff like that myself but now I've come to terms with it: I'm a conservative. What people really mean when they say that is, "I want to flatter myself that I'm somehow inscrutable to common mortals." Usually it means they're liberals (although not always). Liberal is a term most people can't stand, even those to whom it's like their middle name. Hence they describe themselves as "middle of the road."At least compared to Vladimir Lenin, I suppose. Liberals can't even be honest about the fact that they're liberal. That's why John Kerry, the most liberal member of the Senate, who recently declared Hollywood movie stars to be symbolic of the American spirit, can claim to represent "traditional family values" with a straight face. It's on the level of Clinton giving marriage counseling. If you vote for Kerry, you are liberal. If you support Kerry, you are liberal. If you support gay marriage, you are liberal. If you champion abortion, surrender to terrorists (or the UN), mad tax hikes for the middle class, or stem cell research, you are a liberal. If you don't like that, change your views, not what you call yourself.