Monday, July 12, 2004
The Democratic dream ticket of John and John is such a joke. While the two Johns (must be porta since they're constantly traveling) appear to be having amnesia about all the nasty things they said about each other a few months ago, the American voters should not forget it. Kerry said Edwards was "still in diapers" when he served in Vietnam and that this was no time for "on the job training." Now apparently he doesn't mind. When confronted with President Bush's reaffirnmation of his trust in Dick Cheney, Edwards could only stammer, "Well, uh, the P-P-P-President is wrong on several counts...I, I am ready to be President." That was one, John (which John are you again? oh yeah. Edwards. sorry about that.) What other points was Bush wrong on? I think he only made one. Watching this ticket self-destruct is going to be a lot of fun.